1966 Pictures - Page 1 of 1

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jack2.jpg (21309 bytes) Jack Wambach's photo taken in Pearl Harbor on the way to WestPac.
jacknz.jpg (21061 bytes) L-R, Bob Kelly and Jack Wambach photographed while off the coast of Guam.
jack7psp.jpg (21538 bytes) The ship's party in Sasebo, Japan. (L-R) Pugh, Burgeron, Wambach, McMeans, and Coffee.
egphto21.jpg (25031 bytes) Out of Subic during the first WestPAC for the Ready Eddie?  Left to right, enjoying the view are, Norman Guthrie, Wayne Gammie, MM Edd Greene, and Jerry Northcut.
benn2b_small.jpg (2096 bytes) CS3 Barksdale and SN Cherrington stand in the galley with some of the damage resulting from the collision with the USS Bennington in August of 1960.  Follow this link for more information on the situation.
egphto21.jpg (25031 bytes) Cansler and Art Solis in Olangopo.
egphto21.jpg (25031 bytes) Creekmore Tom Ascue, Art Solis, Cansler, and Shebane.
egphto21.jpg (25031 bytes) Picture of Art Solis on 02 deck in Pearl Harbor 1960.