Eagle with Flag


Changes, Updates, and Additions

The purpose of this page is to record a journal of updates, additions, and changes to this Photo Album web site. This listing is organized with the newest entrys at the top, to make it easier for our readers to see "What's New"

Sep. 15, 2008.

Added 4 images to USS Midway tour. These images were submitted by Glenn Sears

Sep. 8, 2008.

Corrections to 2008 Reunion Pages.
1 - Corrected Date for Plank- Owners in Department Photos.
2 - Added names for 3rd row of 1958 - 1963 Engineering Dept.

Sep. 6, 2008.

Identified Milton Bailey in the Official Group Photo.

Sep. 6, 2008.

Corrections to 2008 Reunion Pages.
1 - Corrected Sam Hogues name in Banquet Page - 2 Places.

Sep. 5, 2008.

Corrections to 2008 Reunion Pages.
1 - Corrected spelling of J.J. Hogue in Banquet Page and indentified the Sharon Henderson in the same photos.
2 - Identified people in Hospitality room in Liberty Call.

Sep. 5, 2008.

After many hours spent by the reunion photo team, the 2008 Reunion Pages are now an active reality. Thanks to Rob Dege and Jack Turley, for a lot of hard work, writing magical code, reformatting photos, and identifying the people in them. And a heart-felt thanks to all of those who have contributed and shared their photos with us.

July 21, 2008.

Added images from John Batson to 1981 Page 3.

Mar. 19, 2008.

A new mini reunion was added. Jack Turley sent photos from Oct. 24, 2007 gathering.

Mar. 16, 2008.

1- A new page (page 4) has been added to the photos from 1966. James F Matthews was kind enough the share these photos with us.
2- Added photos of William Carl, one of his grandsons, and a friend to ...After DD-950 A-H.

Mar. 14, 2008.

1- The "Where Are They Now" portion of the website has been redesigned to include photos from some Mini Reunions that have been sent to us. You can view the new section by going to "Pictures" from the main web site, then clicking on "Life After DD950" from the menu a the top of the page. Enjoy!
2- Thanks to Mac Mckown, we were able to update the name of the BMC in photo 1 of 1976 page 2 of 3.
3- Added photo of Tom Heidger to 1967 page 2.
4- Added photo of Tom Heidger to ...After DD-950 A-H.

Mar. 4, 2008.

After a few false starts, the 1981 Cruise Book that Jeff Christiansen sent us is finally finished. The book was scanned and reformatted for your viewing pleasure. It can be found in the Photo Album. Select the menu item Cruise Booksand then 1981 Cruise Book. Hope you enjoy it!!

Sep. 4, 2006.

Ok - I've been real busy for the last few months making way too many changes to try and catalog here - including:
   1.  Creating and publishing the 2006 reunion pages.
   2.  Keeping up with your 2006 reunion submissions and corrections.

Meanwhile we have received more photos from the 2004 reunion, other crewmembers photos and yearly pictures, so look for them to appear in the weeks to come!

Now I think maybe I have caught up enough to resume this update listing. I will attempt to keep the updates listed, at least until the next flood gate opens. - Webmaster Don

Added: Photos to 1967, and added 1967 Shellback Initiation page.

Dec. 15, 2005.

Added Glendon Chester to the 2004 Renunion Official Group Photo Legend.

Dec. 12, 2005.

Added Mike Waite and Dick Pariseau to the 2004 Renunion Official Group Photo Legend.

Dec. 10, 2005.

Added new page of photos to 1981. Photos were sent in by BT3 Ken Burge . Made appropriate changes to links and pages.

Nov. 09, 2005.

1. Shipmate Robert Draper was identified in the 2004 Reunion Official Photo.
2. Tom Marvin was identified standing next to Carl Dege on the USS Barry.

Oct. 10, 2005

1. Added Roy Hoffman, Mike Treadwell, Thomas Fadely, William Ealey, William Davis, and Jack Bradshaw to the Official 2004 Reunion photo legend. Thanks to Jack Turley for Identifying these attendees.
2. Identified William Ealey in 2004 renunion sightseeing photo.
3. Corrected the Spelling for the Rosslyn in photo #5 of sightseeing.
4. Updated mailing address in "send to" page for photo submissions.

Aug. 18, 2005.

Added the 1971 Recommissioning book. Go to "1971" and click on the link.

Aug. 17,2005.

Added the 1970 Decommissioning book. It is accessed, "by invitation only", from a link in "1970".

Aug. 17, 2005.

Added photos to 2004 reunion "Banquet", "Photo Ops", and "Tours". These photos were provided by Jack Turley.

Aug. 16, 2005

1. Added "John Lutz" to 2004 Reunion Official Reunion Legend #31.
2. Repaired broken links to "sendphotos" in reunion pages.
3. Added photos to "1965" sent in by Dan Carpenter and Scanned by John Lutz.
4. Added Newspaper article to the USS Bennington Collision with the USS Richard S. Edwards link from "1960".

Aug. 08, 2005

Added Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner menus to "1959 Page 2".

Aug. 07, 2005

Updated some photo descriptions in the Turner Joy Tour in the 2002 Reunion pages. Thanks to Jack Turley for helping with the ID's.

Aug. 06, 2005

Added photos sent in by Allen Williams BT4, '73-'77 to "1973".

Aug. 05, 2005

Added photos and link to "1982". Decomissioning pamplet images from William Padgett.

Aug. 05, 2005

Added information provided by Lt. Jack Turley to the 2004 Reunion 'Sightseeing' page.

Aug. 04, 2005

Updated the 2004 Reunion pages. Added photos, and activated links to all menu items.

Jul. 18, 2005

Removed Association Mailing address from bottom of web pages. It is the consensus of the association officers that due to the frequency of changes to the mailing address, and its availability elsewhere that it does not need to be posted on the photo site

Jul. 17, 2005

Added photos sent to us by Gordon Piburn many moons ago!! See the new photos by clicking on the linked photo on "1974 - Page 1" Our appologies to Gordy for taking so long.

May 20, 2005

Added Steve Gnage to the 2004 official group photo and legend.

Apr. 26, 2005

Added Dan Hudson, Bill Escott, and Tom Marvin to the 2004 official group photo and legend.

Apr. 24, 2005

Added 2004 post reunion pages, including the 2004 official group photo and legend.

Mar. 20, 2002

The Photo Album web pages have been reformatted and incorporated into the DD950 web site. This should make it easier for our visitors to navigate around the site. The standard menu will always be available in the window on the left to make getting from one place to another a lot easier. The duplicate chat rooms and Forums have been eliminated, and all entry into the Richard S. Edwards Web Site is now done at the www.dd950.com URL.

Please send in a copy of your photos!

Do you have comments or suggestions about the Website?   Please contact Webmaster@DD950.com