DD950 Trial Menu Pages
Menu Samples
Here are the sample trial menus for the DD950.com web site.The purpose of this work is to define a menu structure that is consistant, yet allows for the need of expansion that have been an issue with some of the Cruise Book and Reunion Pages. It is also intended to simplify the code for the menus systems to allow for easier maintenance.
All text sizes, colors, menu item sizes etc., can be changed by editing the css code, thereby making it easy to make adjustment as they may be reuqired. The location of the css and php files that will hold the data has yet to be determined. My suggestion would be to keep the supporting files in groups that make sense rather than one huge php file to contain all formatting. They could be grouped, for example in photo_tools.php files, reunion_tools.php file, photo_tools.css files, and reunion_tools.css files. This way allowances could be made for the differing nature of the sections which are contained in the DD950 web site.
These samples have been compiled over a considerable length of time, prior to being posted on this site and the documentation has not been great. An attempt will be made to explain each sample - what it attempts to accomplish etc..
The samples are listed by version, the smaller numbers representing the earlier attempts and the larger version number represent the later ideas.
Version 1
The first run through of creating menus with CSS techniques. The Subsequent menus cascade down within the page which is being viewed. If the visitor selects Photo Album from the main menu, then the menu on the next page, the photo album home has a link back to DD950 Home and to all chldren of the Photo Ablum Page. The Photo Album item is then "grayed out" to show the visitor where they are in the menu structure. All menu items are contained within the verticle menu on the left side of the page.All text formatting and decoratioin is done using just CSS text functions.
Version 2
Simiiar in function to Version 1, a memu selection exsits to return to the DD950 home page, but the 'child' menus keep all 'sibling' menu options visible as well. As opposed to keeping all menu chioces in the left hand menu, selection buttons are provided on common pages to keep the sze of the left hand menu withn one window.Version 3
This version is basically the same as version 2, except that the 'Home' menu remain displayed at all times.Version 4
Same as version 3, but with text colors changed to the same colors as used in the original DD905 home page.Version 5
A new approach was used here to create menu items using graphics rather than trying to use test decoration to accomplish the required appearance. the background of the menu is accomplished with a single graphic. The text of the menu is normal text modified with CSS techniques.Only few pages have been included here to show the intent of the menu function and appearance.