Eagle with Flag

Back to DTS Menu

Version 5 Menus

These menus utilize two graphics menu10b.gif and menuc.gif to accomplish the different backgrounds used. Menub.gif is used for all newly linked menu buttons, and for previously visited menu buttons. Menuc.gif is used when the user hovers over a menu item. In subsequent pages of this menu system an addition "current" function is used to "lock out" the curren menu button. When the visitor is viewing the subesquent pages the current button will have the same background as a "hover" button and the text will be grayed out to show that this is not an active menu item. It also informs the visitor where they are in the menu system.

All elements are located using CSS techniques as opposed to tables or frames. These menus have been tested for compatability with most popular browsers.

Although all of the coded elements for each page are contained within the html code, this menu system could be easily adapted for use with css style sheets and php scripts for simplified editing purposes.

In this example there are no actual web pages shown, only the menus, for the purpose to displaying the look and feel of the menus.

Note: To return to the previous screen, click on the logo at the top right of the page. (This is only required in the test menus, so that I could present the menu as propossed for the DD950 web site.)